Jessamine Columbia

Small Business Consulting

We're committed to you.

  At Jessamine Columbia, we're dedicated to finding solutions for your small business. We know it's a big world, and we want to help you find your feet and get your name out there! 

Services we provide include, but are not limited to: operations consulting, website management, digital and print marketing and brand management. 

Our goal is to help small business owners and their teams thrive, promote a healthy and sustainable work-home balance, and to help you GROW your business. 

Jessamine Columbia's team's primary experience has been in coffee and deli shops, restaurants, and convenience stores, but our philosophy, "teach something, learn something", drives us to new horizons every day! 

Thanks so much for considering Jessamine Columbia for your business consulting needs. 

-Kimberley Brown

Contact us: 


Phone: 903-570-1405